The company EVAWOLF INC. (registered trademark ASK WOLF), a simplified joint stock company with a capital of 5,000 euros, registered in the Rouen (Nordmandy) Trade and Companies Register under number 910 834 365, VAT number FR12910834365, with its registered office at 29 rue de Le Nostre, ROUEN (76000), France, represented by its President.

The second headquarters, ASK WOLF LLC, is located in the United States of America.
Formation Date: 15th April 2024 - Texas Secretary of State Filing Number: 1353910650002
ASK WOLF LLC, is proud to offer a full range of marketing services designed to help your business succeed. Our services include: Digital Marketing, Social Media Management, Content Creation, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising, Brand Strategy and Development and Wesite Creation.

As a Limited Liability Company (LLC) operating in the State of Texas, the members of ASK WOLF LLC benefit from limited liability protection. This ensures that the personal assets of our members are generally shielded from the company's debts, obligations, or liabilities. The liability of our members is limited to their investment in the company, except as otherwise stipulated by law.

ASK WOLF LLC adheres to all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations. We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of legal and ethical conduct in all our business practices. This notice and any disputes arising under or related to this notice shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas.

Director of Publication: Eva WOLF-KAVROS
Phone: FR +33 6 28 79 86 59 / USA +1 (737) 704 7985
Email address:

The general terms and conditions of sale are accessible at the following address:


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More information here:


The website host is WEBFLOW by Amazon Web Services (AWS).


EVAWOLF INC. owns the copyright to the graphic charter, the website, and all original creations of which it is the author, as well as the trademark. Any reproduction and/or representation of these works requires prior written approval from EVAWOLF INC.No license is granted to you by the director of publication.

You are only granted limited authorization to consult the pages and a technical reproduction right for viewing on a digital device. Any other use is prohibited.

EVAWOLF INC. is not responsible for pages that may be linked by links on the website EVAWOLF INC. does not assume any responsibility for links created by third parties pointing to this website. The creators of links pointing to this website undertake to comply with the current regulations.


French law applies to these terms.In the event of a dispute, the Courts of Rouen (Normandy, France) have exclusive jurisdiction.